Welcome to Part 04 of this series of articles on parenting aimed at enriching your & your childs life using some of the principles of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), brought to you by 5th Element, Pune. This will be the final part in this series.
This article has been authored by my trainer (Late) Terri Ann Laws, International Master Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) . She has taken trainings on four continents from more than 24 trainers, including 17 top, well known international NLP Trainers, 7 of which are original developers. She did NLP Master Trainer's training with the highly prestigious International NLP Trainers Association (INLPTA), and she is an International Master Trainer of Mind Power, Personal/Professional Development, Success conditioning and Hypnotherapy.

Welcome to Part 03 of this series of articles on parenting and you can enrich your life with very small and simple steps that you can take based on the principle of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), brought to you by 5th Element, Pune. Click Part 01 or Part 02 to read our previous parts.
This week we continue on the theme of how the child's perception of the world is totally different from that of an adults.

Last week I published Part 01 of a series of articles on parenting and how the principles of Neuro Linguistic Programming can help you create more joy and fulfillment in your parenting experience. This week we continue from the last weeks exercise that you would have completed by now and identified the areas in which you will be taking ownership & responsibility for your child's feelings & behaviors.

I have been applying the tools of Neuro Linguistic Programming for almost 4 years now and one of the areas where I apply it on a daily basis and achieve amazing results is with my daughter who is now 6 years old. I share an amazing bond with my daughter and there isn't a single moment with her which is without joy.
I often come across other parents who take parenting for granted and yet I see them struggling, screaming at the child, threatening them with dire consequences should they dare disobey an order. I have even seen some parents hit their child and a few who were absolutely merciless about it.