Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), is the science of examining mental processes, thoughts & attitudes and help make changes to these to help people adapt to the constantly changing requirements of their environment and develop a winning edge. With NLP, you can study the thought processes & attitudes of people who are excellent in a certain field and use this knowledge to develop the same thought processes and attitudes in yourself and others so that you and others can achieve the same excellence in that field.
Whether it is people who have achieved huge success & continue to do so, or people who have reached a stage of having accomplished a lot and now wondering what's next or even people who are stuck in a less than desirable situation - all have something in common. They all have the same 3 factors operating in their mind. The difference is that these factors operate differently in each of the above group.

As the year 2012 draws to a close, I complete 1 year as an entrepreneur. During this last 1 year, I completed 6 batches of NLP Practitioner certification courses in Pune without rescheduling even a single one (something that many trainers have to do more often than not due to lack of participation).
Not only that, as I finalized my books of accounts, I realized that my business had been profitable beyond what I had imagined for my first year. Those of you who may be starting up as an entrepreneur or may have been in the field for a while and still trying to find your feet, may want to know how I did it. Read on to find out how I did it. Read it,apply it, agree with it (or not), comment on it, like it, share it.
Who Killed Pikey?
I live in Pune and quite often find myself driving around some particularly large stretches of road. My usual travel has me driving around at least for an hour or more on a daily basis.
As an NLP trainer, I find that this driving time can particularly be useful in my own personal development and I utilize this time by listening to audio programs from other trainers including but not limited to Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Earl Nightingale and other programs from Nightingale Conant corporation.

What is leadership? What is Personal Leadership? How do you go about cultivating it? What does it mean to be a leader? There was a time in my life when I thought that being a leader meant being in a position of power to lead others. It wasn’t until I faced certain circumstances in my life that I experienced self-leadership – leading the self from within. Only then I truly experienced the true power of leadership. What follows is a description of the steps I went through in my metamorphosis which turned out to be so powerful that it changed my life even though nothing in the external world had changed.