Shweta Shukla
Can we imagine ourselves influencing everything in our favor? As we pause to ponder over this enduring question , somewhere deep within we are subtly aware of its advantages . For instance , our mommy giving us the consent to party until wee hours in the morning , dad giving a nod to the career path of our choice , sibling sharing all the brand new clothes & friends accommodating a movie option over the agreed coffee conversation.
The wishful thinking did become a reality in a 8 day NL P workshop conducted by Anil Dagia . I did pause with ponder over the reality of it , until Anil waved his magic wand .
In addition to his multi-faceted personality, he indeed brings a lot of REAL substance to the table . Kudos to that ‘ NLP Mental Gym ’ that is processing his grey matter.
Like he states, the chronicles of life need to be weaved with graceful and elegant manipulations to achieve the larger good of one and all.
—Scintillating Shweta