Meet Anil Dagia

I am a well-recognized ICF credentialed coach (PCC), a strategic consultant and a trainer with long list of clients, and protégés who freely credit me for their upward growth in career and in life. As an established NLP Trainer. I am also an ICF credentialed mentor coach.

Meet Anil Dagia

Pathbreaking Leadership

I achieved global recognition when I got my NLP Practitioner/Master Practitioner Accredited by ICF in 2014. Many global leaders in the world of NLP recognized and acknowledged this as an unprecedented accomplishment not just for myself but for the world of NLP. Subsequently, this created a huge wave of followers around the globe, replicating the phenomenon. I have conducted trainings around the globe having trained/coached over 250,000 people across 19 nationalities.

Pathbreaking Leadership

Unconventional, No Box Thinker

I have been given the title of Unconventional, No Box Thinker and I am probably one of the most innovative NLP trainer. Over the course of my journey I have incorporated the best practices from coaching, behavioral economics, psycho-linguistics, philosophy, mainstream psychology, neuroscience & even from the ancient field of Tantra along with many more advanced methodologies & fields of study. You will find that my workshops & coaching will always include principles and meditation techniques from the field of Tantra leading to profound transformations.

Unconventional, No Box Thinker

Highly Acclaimed

- Interview published on Front Page in Times of India - Pune Times dated 18-Oct-2013, India's most widely read English newspaper with an average issue readership of 76.5 lakh (7.65 million) !!
- Interview published 27-Sep-2013 & a 2nd Interview published 10-Jul-2014 in Mid-Day, the most popular daily for the Young Urban Mobile Professionals across India
- Interview aired on Radio One 94.3 FM on 27-Nov-2013, the most popular FM radio station across India

Highly Acclaimed

Escaping The Golden Cage

... The Unspoken Truth - Life of Employment based career is a Life of Slavery. Being yourself is a luxury very few can afford ‼️

You would say "Anil, that is a bit harsh, don't you think".

Maybe it is a bit harsh.

Consider the words of Nassim Nicholas Taleb (an American-Lebanese essayist) who is in the Forbes magazines list of "Most Influential Management Gurus" - "Those who do not think of employment as systemic slavery are either blind or employed"

Think about it!

As we go about our daily routines, most of us are conditioned to believe that employment is a necessary part of life. We spend a significant amount of our waking hours at work, sacrificing our personal time and freedom for the sake of a paycheck.

Have you stopped to think about the true cost of this arrangement!

Living a life of employment is, a life of slavery.

You are forced to conform to the expectations and norms of our employers, rather than being true to ourselves.

You are told how to behave, and what tasks to complete.

You are micromanaged and evaluated based on your productivity as subjectively assessed by someone who may not be as competent as you.

Worst of all, youe are constantly tied to the whims of your employer(s), forced to adapt to their needs and desires at the expense of your own well-being.

You are not living your own lives, but rather, the lives that others have prescribed for you.

This type of slavery is not just a product of modern capitalism, but it has been perpetuated by our societal values and expectations.

You are taught from a young age that success is defined by our career achievements, and that you must sacrifice your personal freedom for the sake of your careers.

The constant stress and pressure to conform can lead to burnout, anxiety, and depression.

You are no longer living authentic lives, but rather, just going through the motions.

So, what can you do to break free from this cycle of slavery?

Here are a few suggestions:

1️⃣ Take time to reflect on your values and priorities. What is truly important to you? What kind of life do you want to live?

2️⃣ Start small by taking control of your personal space. Create a space that reflects your personality and values.

3️⃣ Seek out opportunities that allow you to express yourself creatively and authentically.

4️⃣ Surround yourself with people who support and empower you.

It is time to take back control of your life and live in alignment with your true self.

It is time to break free from the chains of employment and live a life that is truly yours.

✅ Are you stressed enough in your employment ?

✅ Are you ready to do something different NOW?

✅ Are you ready to escape the Golden Cage of employment?

You are going to need some help.✅

I escaped this Golden Cage in 2011 and improved my life and living conditions, including financially. I have trained and coached many to find their freedom and be fulfilled.😇😇😇

It is possible ✅

In case you are tired of the rat race, tired of the golden cage of employment, the prison of your own choosing and want to find a way out - It is POSSIBLE ✅ !

Book a time slot and schedule a 1-on-1 discussion with me over zoom.

Book a FREE 30 minutes consultation call to know more